Elrazi Medical University, Kano, Pays Reciprocal Visit to Azman University, Kano

In a gesture of camaraderie and academic solidarity, Elrazi Medical University, Kano, embarked on a reciprocal visit to Azman University, Kano.

The Vice Chancellor of Azman University, Prof. Fatima Batuli, extended a warm welcome to the delegation from Elrazi Medical University, emphasizing the importance of fostering strong ties between the two institutions. Prof. Batuli encouraged both universities to uphold the spirit of brotherhood and collaboration, highlighting the collective benefits of such partnerships in advancing education and research. This visit serves as a testament to the ongoing efforts to promote unity and cooperation within the academic community of Kano.

Prof. Ahmed Osman Hassan Rizig, the Vice Chancellor of Elrazi Medical University, Kano, expressed heartfelt appreciation to Azman University, Kano, for their friendly initiative in fostering academic relations through reciprocal visits. Prof. Rizig highlighted the importance of collaboration between neighboring universities, emphasizing the need to maximize the utilization of shared resources and facilities for mutual growth and development. He called upon both institutions to work hand in hand to ensure equal opportunities for advancement, thereby contributing to the overall enhancement of the academic landscape in Kano. This call for collaboration underscores the commitment of Elrazi Medical University to promote synergy and cooperation within the educational community.

Led by Professor Fatima Batuli Mukhtar, Vice Chancellor of Azman University, the Azman delegation included esteemed members such as Mr. Aminu Lawal, the Registrar, Dr. Ali Garba, the Librarian, Alh Ahmed Balarabe, the Bursar, alongside other team members.

On the Elrazi Medical University side, the delegation was headed by Prof. Ahmed Osman Hassan Rizig, the Vice Chancellor, accompanied by Mal. Mohamad Sani Aminu, the Registrar, and Prof. Isyaku Yarube, the School Provost. Also in attendance were distinguished individuals like Malama Zam’a Muhammad and other members of the university’s administration department.

